Wednesday, 13 February 2019

2. The three holy noble children (The life of St. Sophia)

When the Emperor of Rome was Hadrian (117 A.D.- 138 A.D.) there lived in a town in Italy, a young and wealthy noble Christian woman, whose name was Sophia.
She had lost her husband very early and lived alone with her three beautiful daughters, Faith, who was 12 years old, Hope, who was 10 years old and Love, who was just 9 years old. All three girls had a radiant beauty, not only physical beauty, but essentially from the many mental and spiritual gifts they had.

Sunday, 3 February 2019

1. Saint Marina

Saint Marina was a little girl who loved Christ with all the power of her heart. She was born in 270 A.D. in a big city of Asia Minor, called Antioch. The Emperor in Rome and the whole world was then Claudius Caesar.